

在我们采访Melanie Safka的上半场(更简单地知道梅兰妮),可以在这里这位创作型歌手生于1947年2月3日,她讲述了自己早年在音乐界的经历,以及1969年在伍德斯托克音乐节上的亮相。

在第二部分,她回忆了她在伍德斯托克音乐节的经历所带来的前十单曲《Lay Down (candle in the Rain)》,以及她1971年的冠军单曲《Brand New Key》。

梅兰妮:当我离开[伍德斯托克]时,我在我脑海中有一个歌曲的一个阴茎部分。我看到这个山坡上这个闪烁的光线朝着我。这是一场愿景,对我来说这种人类流动的绝对愿景,我在那里完全肯定。我从未在伍德斯托克看到自己的镜头,因为它直到大约15年前从来没有亮起。一位相机船员来到我在佛罗里达州住的地方,他们想做我谈论伍德斯托克的我的镜头。我应该在历史频道上,他们花在我家里六个小时拍摄我说话,他们说,“好吧,你看过镜头,对吧?”我说不,我从来没有做过,他们把它放在上面。我很惊讶,因为我甚至不记得我整整一套。所以我在想,哦,我将在历史频道上。最后,我会以某种方式被证明。 Then, sure enough the History Channel came on and I was not there.

这是最神奇的事情,只是记录那首歌。我的丈夫[Peter Schekeryk]是生产者。我们在Buddah记录。We were in that office building and I said, “Peter, I can hear the gospel choir singing, ‘Lay down, lay down.’” I could totally hear this and he said, “Well, the Edwin Hawkins Singers just had a big hit, ‘Oh Happy Day.’” So, Peter contacted Edwin Hawkins because they were on Buddah Records too. I talked to Edwin Hawkins and said, “I have this song that came to me at Woodstock.” I wasn’t the most articulate person in the world. I’m still not but I can I can get by. But I was bumbling and he said, “I’m sure it’s a very nice song but we only do songs with Jesus and the Lord and the mention of Jesus’ name.” I said, “Yeah, but he’s in there, you know?” Basically, he said no. Then Peter came to me and said, “Oh the Edwin Hawkins Singers really want to do it,” and I said, “Really? They said no.” Anyway, we were out in Oakland, California, after recording “Lay Down” and he said, “We’re going down to where they’re rehearsing so they can rehearse with you.” I went, “OK,” and I’m going down there with my guitar, and we walk into this high school gymnasium where they’re rehearsing, and they look at me like who the hell is this? Little white girl coming in with her guitar, and a white guy. They’re in the middle of the song and then little by little kind of taper off and Edwin Hawkins looks and Peter runs over to him and starts talking. Obviously, they don’t want to do this song and he’s making me do this song. He said, “Melanie, come here,” so, I mean, I had no choice. I started playing the song and I swear, by the time I got to the chorus the second time the group was singing with me. Edwin Hawkins threw up his hands.


我准备离开。我当时住在新泽西,从广播里听到节目取消了。我们打了电话(他们说),“不,不要来。任何在这里被抓的表演者都会被逮捕。不来了。”彼得说:“好吧,媚兰,我们不去了。”我说"你在说什么"大概有4万人在聚集。他们卖了很多票,那里有很多人。所以我说,“不,我们必须上去。” So I went I went there and they said, “Oh, yeah, Melanie, we’re having a press conference up at the ski lodge,” and I went there and they said, “No, you can’t go to the field. If you go to the field you’ll be arrested for sure because it’s illegal. You cannot do it.” I don’t know, that thing in me got stirred, and Peter said, “Melanie, no, you can’t do that.” I got into a car that the WNEW news team was in. They stuck my guitar in the trunk and because I’m not a band, I didn’t have equipment to set up. It was just me, and they hooked me up to the Mr. Softee generator and I sang and I was like Santa Claus. It was pretty amazing.

Your cover of the Stones’ “Ruby Tuesday” was a big hit in the U.K. but didn’t do that well in the U.S. Then your song “Look What They’ve Done to My Song, Ma” also wasn’t a big hit for you here, but the New Seekers had a hit cover with it. What was going on at the time?
我因为《雨中的蜡烛》而出名,不是因为《Look Ma》,因为《Look Ma》是由新人乐队覆盖的,他们是最受欢迎的。从来没人说"这是梅兰妮的歌"我只是梅兰妮,可爱的花童。给那些潮人,真正的潮人,硬核滚石沉重的摇杆,我成为抨击的人。我不知道那是怎么发生的,但绝对是这样做的。我成了凉爽的女孩,狂欢,并带来了“她不能写歌曲。”In fact, I got a review once in an underground paper—and this is funny because you would think they would know—but it said, “And then she did her stupid song that she wrote, ‘Ruby Tuesday.’” That was a bigger record than the Stones’ in Europe. Melanie is associated with “Ruby Tuesday” there. But my whole thing, my image, was this beautiful flower child, not as much intelligence as pretty.滚石砸了《雨中的蜡烛》我记得《雨中蜡烛》的评论。上面写着"埃德温·霍金斯合唱团很棒但梅兰妮进来的时候感觉就像铅笔在黑板上划了一下"我以为他们是我的人,结果我在那里被殴打。就在那时我意识到肯定有什么事要发生了。这是难以置信的。这是一个议程。我不认为60年代是一场政治运动在那里有一个美丽的场景阿甘在那里,这个相信人性和创造一个更美好世界的理想的女孩与这些政治的,没有幽默感的人共处一室。他们大喊大叫,然后看着她,对她进行口头攻击。我感觉自己就是那个人。真正的感觉并不是艾比·霍夫曼。这是从里面出来的,但不是这个。那是对我们善良本性的真正觉醒。有人说,琼·贝兹是一位活动家;媚兰是个人文主义者。”



我禁食了27天,除了水什么都没有。当我第一次离开自己的身体时,我的禁食导师伯纳德·詹森博士对我说:“梅兰妮,是时候停下来了。”这是发生了什么;你会变得不那么依赖你所处的身体。27天后,我开始禁食。我只喝蒸馏水。打破禁食的方法是循序渐进的:一茶匙果汁和一汤匙欧芹,煮熟的磨碎的胡萝卜。慢慢地,你把食物引入你的身体系统。我这样做了一个星期左右,然后我回到新泽西的家,我去了英格兰镇的跳蚤市场。当时大概是早上六点。 You go with your flashlight. I’d ask for the dealers’ price. And on my way back, I smelled the aroma and it just reminded me… When you’re so cleansed you’re very in touch with a certain kind of memory that brings all your senses into it. I looked and it was a McDonald’s and I was hungry and Dr. Bernard Jensen said my perfect diet is going to occur to me because I’m so cleansed. I was completely a vegetarian. I was every kind of -arian. We ordered, you know, the combo with the fiberglass milkshake surprise and all things. I no sooner ate my last bite of burger when the song pops into my head, the whole thing. I had with me this little practice guitar and in the backseat of that van, I wrote “Brand New Key.”

WatcH Melanie执行“全新关键”直播

当我第一次写这首歌的时候,它就像一首缓慢的小曲,我丈夫说不,我们要加快速度,也许还会加一个背景声部,切分和打击乐。他是录音棚里的天才,他制作了一张热门唱片,我对他的做法很生气。你怎么能这样对我?当然,再加上把我当成一个无关紧要的愚蠢的人,这首完美而又愚蠢的可爱的歌就奏效了。我们进了演播室。我们这样做了,它被加速了,我们录制了它,它成为了热门。我成了它的反动派。我讨厌它。我不想这么做。我不想让它成为我的热门唱片。 I didn’t want it to be the song that people knew. But now I love it. What an amazing production and it’s timeless. It has the vintage thing. I love the song. I love that I wrote it. I love that it was a hit. It meant a lot to a lot of people and I understand. It’s not like my finest poetry. It’s a cute song.

在此之后,您获得了Ed Sullivan,您获得了Johnny Carson,您也必须与John和Yoko唱歌在麦迪逊广场花园的福利音乐会。那是什么样的?


Melanie(左)与朱迪柯林斯和Richie Havens



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  1. 史蒂夫
    #1 史蒂夫 2月4日,2021年,02:56



